Commercial properties in Southern Florida and specifically Miami really need to have a burglar alarm and intrusion detection to protect not only their property but the people and products inside it. While business usually booms in this area unfortunately so do that level of crime particularly break-ins. 

This is why having your commercial burglary alarm set up is crucial. Whether you are a retail storefront or a tech business there is a need for these kinds of protection across the board. And with the developing technology year after year, there is no better time to get acquainted with them and have it installed. 

Here we will go over everything you need to know about burglar alarm and intrusion detection systems

What is a commercial burglar alarm system?

A commercial burglar alarm and intrusion detection system has a lot of moving components. In short, it is a security system that works to keep the bad guys out and provides a level of safety, security, and convenience to your business every day. The burglar and intrusion part comes in where someone actually does try to break in. The system then can send signals to all the components so that authorities are alerted and security measures are taking place. 

There are a few different types of systems in this genre as a whole. This is to fit the business that the system is meant to serve as different properties are going to have different needs.  

Why Is It Important to have a Burglar Alarm Commercial Security System?

There are so many different reasons why a commercial property really needs a burglar alarm commercial security system. Most of them are going to revolve around that safety component but there are some other factors as well. Let’s take a deeper dive into what those factors are. 

Decrease Possibility of Break-In

While the system is meant to work so that if a break-in occurs, a series of security provisions take place. However, just having a noticeable burglar alarm system on the outside, whether it be cameras or a sign that says there is a system, can reduce the odds of a break-in by 300%. Criminals do not want to risk getting caught and with a system in place it really changes the approach. This is an immediate benefit. 

Aid Authorities

Without a burglar and intrusion detection system in place the chances of actually catching the criminal are slim. With security cameras, police and detectives can see what happened and possibly who the burglars are. The detection system also alerts the authorities to come immediately instead of depending on someone to call the police when it may be too late. 

Improve Your Insurance Rates

What? This is a confusing one. Well, not really it all makes sense. Insurance doesn’t want a break-in to happen as much as you don’t because they end up paying for the damage. When you make your property safer you are decreasing the likelihood of that happening. This is part of the reason why your insurance is much more likely to reduce your monthly premiums or help pay for some of the installations of products. A safer property for you is a safer property for them. 

Convenience Factors

There are many reasons why a burglar alarm and intrusion detection system would provide some convenient benefits to their owners. For instance, most security systems these days allow for monitoring remotely by your phone. It’s nice to feel like you can access your business from anywhere and that’s especially true when it comes to locking and unlocking the doors. 

Being able to activate alarms for specific schedules and check on your business provides a real level of comfort and convenience that many business owners are happy to have. So you should have it too! 

How does a burglar alarm and intrusion detection security system work?

This is going to be very different across different systems. Some systems are much more complex than others based on their needs. However, the general theme on how the system should work remains the same. Let’s look at it from a step-by-step perspective to fully understand.

  • Regardless of how many different parts you have (surveillance cameras, fire alarms, Bluetooth access control) you will have door alarm and window alarm triggers set up. 
  • If someone does not enter the access control correctly or tries to force break-in, notification systems will kick in. These are your alarms, sirens, strobe lights, etc. This is for alerting people inside the property that there is a threat.
  • At the same time, authorities, whether it be your own security or police (sometimes both), will be alerted immediately to address the situation. This provides the best possible outcome when a threat like this occurs. 

Types of commercial burglar alarm systems

In general, we may have a much better grasp of the types of burglar alarm systems that exist out there. But the truth is there are so many different types and products on the market that we may be confused as to what our business needs. Of course, this can be chatted out during a consultation with a professional security system. 

Since we have an idea that there are different types of components of a burglar alarm and intrusion detection system, we should also know there are different types of systems as a whole. Different properties may care for a specific type while others may not have as much of a choice depending on the power outlets etc., 

Here are the types of systems that are currently available to commercial properties. 

Electric Current Alarm System

One of the more common systems is eclectic current alarm systems and are simple to use. This is so that an electrical current can run through to the entry points when the system is activated. When a door, window, or any other area is opened when the system is on, it disrupts this electrical current and sets the signal to the notification system. 

Wired Alarm System

Wired systems are as easy as they sound and require a trained electrician to do this correctly. They create some of the best reliable systems which is why it is also a very popular choice. It also allows other components like surveillance cameras to be easily added on. The only issue here is that wires can be cut which poses a threat. 

Wireless Alarm System

These systems run-up in the cloud or on network spaces. They take away the worries of having any wires cut but then become a little more worrisome if there are any connectivity issues. There are usually some options that offer a combination of the two both wired and wireless systems. 

Unmonitored Alarm System

Where it concerns unmonitored systems is where a commercial property owner takes the security into account on themselves. Basically, this means that they are just remote and watching it themselves. 

Monitored Alarm System

Monitored systems rely on third parties to constantly survey the system and ensure that things are running smoothly. Both from a system operations side and from a security side. When it comes to something going wrong they are the first to respond and call in for backup.

Commercial burglar alarm system FAQs

There is a lot that goes into a commercial burglar alarm and intrusion detection system. So naturally, customers tend to have a lot of questions. That’s why this section is dedicated to the most frequently asked questions about commercial burglar alarm systems and intrusion detection! 

Is it better to have a wireless system in case of a power failure?

The best way to approach the possibility of having wires cut or a possible power outage is to have a system that is prepared for all scenarios. This can be a combination system so that if it is wired and the power goes out then you can rely on backup batteries that kick in when that problem occurs. 

What are the components of a commercial burglar alarm system? 

This is the part that needs to be addressed most because there are so many different parts. The most important part of the intrusion system is the detection that a break-in is occurring. However, there are other things that can set detection off. 

  1. Surveillance cameras are always the go-to for detection and also getting criminals caught after the break-in occurs. This allows a business to really monitor what’s going on remotely and ensure the ultimate safety of the property. 
  2. Access control systems are systems that allow or don’t allow people to access the building. This can be done with pin pad access, biometric access, or a number of different ways. This also provides a level of convenience for the employees. 
  3. Alarms are a part of the intrusion part. Whether you want them to put on both the windows or doors or you want to incorporate them into the fence that sits at the entrance of the driveway, alarms are a crucial part of the system. 

Do you have to have the security system be from one brand?

While a burglar alarm and intrusion detection system certainly will function better if you are working with a brand. This can help eliminate some of the hiccups that come from connectivity issues. But it’s not uncommon to use multiple brands. If you do decide to do this it is best to work with a knowledgeable security team that can tell you whether these products are compatible or not. 

We just mentioned that it is crucial to talk to a knowledge security team which is why Circle Security Solutions is the choice for you. From the first stages of analysis of the property to finding the right products, we are here for the client every step of the way. To go further the installation process is very important. You want to make sure the right guys are behind you. After that, we offer monitoring services if that is something you need for the extra step. 

Understanding Your Options

It’s no secret that it can be overwhelming to try and figure out the ins and out’s of a burglar alarm and intrusion detection security system for your commercial property. And with the pressure of knowing there is a crime in Southern Florida, it is normal to feel rushed. But you don’t have to panic because this is exactly why we have top security providers like Circle Security Solutions. 

You can take all the information above and make it digestible by starting the conversation with a security provider. Understanding what your property type is and the needs can help you make the decision on the type of system you can have put in place. From there you can talk about the components and what the best way to finance the situation is. 

This provides all-around comfort for the business knowing that every step of the way is being taken care of. Including making sure that all the components are compatible.