Miami Security Tips
Keep Your Home Safe This Holiday Season
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. However, a break-in or robbery will definitely ruin your good cheer. Whether you’re heading to Grandma’s house or spending a quiet holiday at home, here are some Miami security tips to stay safe.
1. Don’t Tell Facebook Your Plans
If you’ll be traveling during the holiday season, wait until you return to post pictures of all your great memories. Even if you have private accounts and are certain only your closest see your posts, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
2. Ask a Neighbor or Friend to Keep Watch
Whether you’ll be gone for a week or a few days, it’s a good idea to let a trusted neighbor or friend know your plans and ask them to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. You could ask the same neighbor to pick up your mail or newspaper, or simply cancel delivery while you’re gone.
3. Keep Gifts out of Plain Sight
While you’ve probably got all the kids’ gifts well hidden, it’s not a good idea to have any wrapped gifts in plain sight as potential burglars don’t know if that box contains a crockpot or a computer. And speaking of computers, keep your electronics, cameras, blue-ray players, and iPads out of sight as well.
4. Mind Your Decorations.
In addition to being the most wonderful time of the year, December is also the deadliest month for electrical fires. Inspect your string lights for frayed cords. If you’re getting a live Christmas tree, keep it watered to avoid drying out and becoming a fire hazard. Make sure to turn out lights and blow out candles before heading out for the evening. Consider using a timer for your indoor and outdoor lights.
5. Check Your Alarms
Smoke and fire alarms are a great safety tool, but they can’t keep you safe if they aren’t functional. Statistics show that three of every five fire-related deaths occurred in homes with no smoke alarms or alarms that weren’t working. Additionally, in nearly half the homes (46%) alarms had missing, dead, or disconnected batteries. Take a few minutes to make sure your alarms are functional. It might just save your life.
Circle Security Solutions provides the best alarm and Miami security systems for the best value in south Florida. Call 305-667-0444 today for a quote or email us and take the next step in keeping your family safe and secure!