Most of us try to pay attention to our thermostat settings. When we are not home, we set the thermostat so that the cooling and heating are not working to regulate the temperature of an empty house. This just makes sense. An smart thermostat takes care of this routine for you.
Even though we do not experience the weather extremes in South Florida that much of the rest of the country sees, we do have our cooler months. And the summers can bring some serious heat. Keeping the thermostat settings at a point that makes sense can be a challenge. This is why an smart thermostat makes sense.
An smart thermostat can be set up to respond to your settings and the environment so that you are not paying to have your air conditioner or heating system running and draining your wallet. You can substantially reduce your utility bills just by installing an smart thermostat.
What is an smart thermostat? How does the smart thermostat work? And how can you start saving money by installing an smart thermostat from Circle Security Solutions? This guide will show you the advantages of having an smart thermostat in South Florida.
What is an smart thermostat?
An thermostat is a cloud-based connected device designed specifically for a smart home. This type of thermostat connects to cloud services and a system of cloud devices to provide optimum energy management in your home or business.
The thermostat is part of a growing set of devices and systems that are not only connected to the internet but also connect to each other through cloud-based control and monitoring. This means that the devices in a smart home are connected so that you control everything from any remote location that can connect to wifi. You can control everything in your smart home from any smartphone or smart device.
By connecting the thermostat to cloud-based systems and all other connected devices in the home or business, the system operates with a series of sensors and connections that provide automatic responses to the environment. This automatically regulates your internal atmosphere for maximum comfort and maximum economic efficiency.
Benefits of an smart thermostat

The benefits of an smart thermostat are many. This type of thermostat system can help reduce your energy usage from every point in the system. From the comfort of your home or business to the cost of running your air conditioning and heating, the thermostat impacts everything.
Precision ambient comfort
You can set up the system with custom schedules and temperatures. You can set up an thermostat system so that it regulates the ambient temperature at varying levels throughout the day. This is far beyond the old method of simply re-adjusting the thermostat when you leave the house. thermostats can have multiple settings so that it responds to external temperature changes and varying times of the day when people are present or not.
Controls savings
An thermostat collects data from inside and outside your home and automatically responds to temperature changes. It also senses and responds to the level of occupancy in the home. All of this data is used to automatically alter the level of heat or cooling necessary to maintain your presets on the system. This means less energy usage and lower utility costs. You save money by using an thermostat system.
Intelligent connections
The thermostat connects seamlessly with all other devices in a smart home. The system connects and responds to other devices around the home and responds to data collected from these devices. All activity detected by sensors from other devices in the home is used to make smart decisions for optimum savings and optimum comfort in your home. Triggered Automations allow the thermostat to respond automatically to other devices like the security system or door locks. One, the integrated mobile app makes the Smart Thermostat part of a seamless Smart Home experience.
Absolute control
You can get information from the system and adjust the setting from any location at any time. Change the settings, temperature, schedules, etc. for more savings and efficiency. You can also get alerts when unexpected increases or decreases in temperature occur. You can also limit the control of your system to specific users. This eliminates unauthorized changes to your settings and controls.
Types of smart thermostats makes one of the best smart thermostats on the market. So you can compare your options, there are some other smart thermostats to consider.
The Ecobee smart thermostat uses voice control with Alexa to control the system. If you do not want to buy another smart system to have access to Alexa, Ecobee is your option since it comes with Alexa built right into it. Ecobee contains remote sensors you can place around the house to monitor temperatures as you see fit. I also work with Google Assistant, Apple Home Kit, and Siri, although these functions are not built into Ecobee.
Honeywell Home T5+ Smart Thermostat
This is less expensive than some of the other smart thermostats which are its chief advantage. If you are on a budget or simply unable to invest in the high-end smart thermostats, the Honeywell Home T5+ Thermostat will work just fine. It contains the most important features like remote sensors. It also connects to other smart systems like Alexa and Siri, but they are not self-contained like some of the other smart thermostat systems.
Mysa Smart Thermostat
The Mysa Smart Alarm Thermostat is made to control electric baseboard heat and make it far more cost-effective. It works specifically with 110-volt electrical heating sources. Mysa uses geolocation, artificial intelligence, and zoning to heat your home efficiently and keep costs down. The Mysa system also works with Alexa, Google Assistant, Home Kit, etc.
How to connect your smart thermostat with
Installing a smart thermostat is quite simple and switching over to a smart thermostat will save you money right from the start. Smart monitoring of your habits and lifestyle will enable your smart thermostat to lower your energy costs and make your entire home more efficient since it only heats or cools when it is necessary.
The key factor to determine compatibility with a smart thermostat is boiler compatibility. Make sure you choose a smart thermostat that will link up with your existing heating/ air conditioning system. Heating is not as much of an issue in South Florida, but HVAC systems work on a basic operating procedure (gas, fuel oil, etc.).
For many, installing a smart thermostat is as simple as having a screwdriver. You match up the electrical connections after removing your existing thermostat. These systems are schematics and are simple to follow.
To make sure your smart thermostat is installed correctly and safely, we recommend consulting Circle Security Solutions for a professionally installed smart thermostat system. This will give you the peace of mind of knowing that all electrical wiring has been done professionally and adheres to safety protocols and local codes.
Is an smart thermostat worth it?

While a smart thermostat does mean spending some money for your initial investment, it will pay off both in the short-term and in the long run.
You save money immediately on utility costs. By linking your air conditioning and heating to a smart thermostat like the thermostat, you reduce the amount of energy you use. This starts right away, and you see it in lower energy bills.
For business owners, you get a more efficient office or workspace because no one needs to spend time adjusting the thermostat. The entire system is run automatically and remotely.
Elongated equipment life: Simply by running your heating and air conditioning less saves wear and tear on expensive equipment. A smart thermostat can prolong the life of your air conditioning and heating equipment.
Reduced maintenance and repair costs: Again, since your heating and cooling systems will be running with far greater efficiency, you will save money on maintaining these systems. Lower use means fewer repairs and maintenance.
Ways to use an smart thermostat
In the simplest terms, an smart thermostat works just like a standard thermostat. It regulates the temperature of your home or office by switching the heating and cooling on and off according to a set temperature. The crucial difference is an smart thermostat can respond to multiple sensors. It can be operated remotely. And it can be set up with more advanced modes of running than a standard thermostat.
You can use Siri, Google Assistant, or Alexa to control your smart thermostat from any place that will allow you to get a wifi signal. This means you can see what your thermostat is doing while you are away from your home. Did you forget to reset the thermostat before leaving town? No problem. Just tell Siri to make changes.
You can also customize settings with an smart thermostat. If there are parts of the home or office that are not used with the same frequency as other places you can set the system to switch the heating and cooling so that it does not run in those areas as much as areas that are commonly used.
You can also monitor your smart thermostat remotely. If you are away from the home or office, and you want to check the temperatures and efficiency of your heating and cooling system, just check in with your smartphone or smart device. From this, you can make changes and adjustments as you see fit.
In short, a smart thermostat from affords you greater control over your heating and cooling system, and this means greater efficiency and cost savings.
How to install an smart thermostat
Installation of an smart thermostat is relatively simple. But there are some things to think about before you proceed.
Make sure you shut off the power to the entire system at the circuit breaker to prevent shock or injury.
Follow all local codes and regulations when installing any new equipment to your home or office.
Make sure you follow all instructions that come with the smart thermostat like using the correct batteries and linking them to the proper power supplies.
To be sure you are installing your smart thermostat safely and correctly, it is best to let a professional do the work. While the electronics and schematics of an smart thermostat are relatively straightforward, a trained professional can connect the smart thermostat to your existing system in the most effective and safe ways. Your primary concern with installing any new electronics to your home or office is to maintain safety. Improperly installed electronic equipment can be a serious fire hazard.
Circle Security Solutions Product Showcase
Saving energy at home is simple with’s new Smart Thermostat, installed by Circle Security. The Smart Thermostat takes the guesswork out of energy savings by fully integrating it into your Smart Home Security system. Using information about what’s going on inside and outside your home, you can take smarter actions that give you the perfect balance of energy savings and comfort.
In the most basic ways, an smart thermostat works the same way as any other thermostat. It switches the heating and air conditioning on and off according to a set level. The crucial differences between a standard thermostat and an thermostat are in the level of information and control.
A smart thermostat from allows you to set up multiple levels of control on your thermostat. You can introduce settings that vary according to different times of the day, varying levels of sunlight, and even varying levels of heating and cooling in different parts of the home or office.
What is more, everything on an smart thermostat can be done remotely via wifi. You can control your entire heating and cooling system with a smartphone or smart device. These systems can be accessed and controlled through Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, and other systems so you can monitor your air conditioning and heating from anywhere. If you check-in through your smartphone and the system appears to be running too much, simply make changes from wherever you happen to be.