South Florida is certainly a beautiful place to live and/or have a business. However, it is incredibly important to keep not only your property safe but the people inside it and around it. This is only possible when you have a quality burglar alarm system in place installed by a trained and trusted company. 

But burglar alarms sound like something out of the movie. While it may seem goofy like a home-alone setup, they are amazing systems that are both straightforward and in some ways a little complicated. That’s why understanding how they work and what the system does is crucial.

Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of it. 

What is a burglar alarm system?

A burglar alarm system can represent a lot of different things but its function across the board will remain the same. It will alert authorities, people inside or around the property, and/or a security team that someone is trying to break in through any of the entry points of the property. This includes both windows and doors for some systems. Because of this, a burglar alarm system is made up of different equipment such as surveillance cameras, motion sensors, alarms, and much more. 

A burglar alarm system is most likely to be controlled from a control panel but it is becoming more and more common for owners to have access from their phones. The more serious a burglar alarm system is, the more likely the hub will be a control panel because it may be more reliable security-wise than an app. 

Benefits of a burglar alarm system in Broward

There are so many benefits to having a burglar alarm system put in place. Mostly they revolve around safety as we can imagine However, there are also added conveniences that you should consider as well. 

Advanced Safety

A sign that states you have a burglar alarm system in place can deter a criminal from even thinking about it. It is said to make things about 300% safer for both you and your neighbors when you put signs up or have visible cameras or security measures. This is one of the biggest benefits. 

Aiding The Police

When you have a burglar alarm system in place you also help the police out big time. Not only does it make it easier for them to catch the criminal and get them off the streets but it also alerts them in a timely fashion so they can respond to the situation quickly and more appropriately. 

Lowering Insurance Costs

This benefit may be a surprise to you but when you put a system in the palace regardless of whether it is a commercial property or a residential, you are much more likely to lower your insurance costs. This is because your insurance company doesn’t want to pay out the money if a break-in were to happen. They would rather pay a little more to keep things safe so by giving you a discount everyone wins. 

Remote Access To The Property

This is more of a convenience factor but having remote access to your property comes in handy in a lot of different ways. For starters being able to tune into the cameras is a great way to keep an eye on the place. But you usually can also use audio to communicate with anyone who is there (if they are meant to be). Being able to lock or unlock doors for visitors from your phone saves you the trouble of having to go down there. 

Types of burglar alarm systems

We can break down the types of burglar alarm systems into essentially four different systems. This is based on whether someone is following along with them and how their power supply is. Sometimes they can be used in combination with one another. 

The following types of burglar alarm systems are:

  1. Monitored Security Systems
  2. Unmonitored Security Systems
  3. Wireless Security Systems
  4. Wired Security Systems

Monitored Security Systems

Monitored security systems refer to when a company typically employees a security company to watch the surveillance for a designated amount of time. This can be done 24 hours a day or could be nighttime contracts only. This is a security team that can assist if a break-in were to happen. 

Self-monitored is also a thing where you may just have employees or yourself take shifts in monitoring the property when you are away from it. Regardless a monitored system provides the most security and slightly more safety than an unmonitored one. It makes up for system error by having humans pay attention. 

Unmonitored Security Systems

This is naturally a step down security-wise from monitored systems because you just rely on the system itself to alert authorities if a break-in were to happen. The burglar alarm system is good to function on its own but there is nothing that replaces a set of human eyes to monitor the situation. 

Wireless Security Systems

Wireless security systems can be either monitored or unmonitored. Where they differentiate from their counterpart is that they rely on data and a network to run their security messaging from. This means they could be battery operated and don’t have to worry about the threat of not working under power outages.

The threat of being hacked is slightly higher and the main concern is that if the network is lagging or down, how reliable is the system? This is why sometimes it is used in combination with hardwired security systems. 

Wired Security Systems

Wired security systems get their energy sources from electricity. As the name suggests they are wired systems and don’t have to worry about connectivity issues. They can be monitored or left unmonitored but the problem they face is possible power outages. If the power goes out that is the main source of energy so it’s good to have backup batteries to keep the system running. 

Is a burglar alarm system worth it?

The advantages of having a burglar alarm system are going to outweigh the disadvantages every time. And the disadvantages are usually price. Regardless of what kind of property you have ensured the safety of your people in the property and the property itself is never going to be a regret for someone that has a burglar alarm system put into place. 

Now a better question is how much security does your property need? This is a better way of phrasing it. Everyone should think getting a burglar alarm system is worth it. However, not everyone should have the same level of tech. The more commercial property you have the more intense of a system you should have. 

Burglar alarm system installation in Broward

Now one of the most important things about having a burglar alarm system is having the installation done correctly. But how does burglar alarm system installation in Broward work? Well, the details from property to the property will differ but there are a general set of guidelines that each property will go through. 

  1. Determining your needs for the property and the level of security is going to be the first step you take with a security provider. It’s also important to discuss the budget so an initial framework can be mapped out to be meet your needs. 
  2. A security employee will then come out of the property and tour it to see what gaps need to be filled and recommend any additional security measures that would make sense for your property and your budget. 
  3. From here a team of employees can come at the date chosen and start the installation process. The more complicated and individual your system is the longer time it will take. Bigger projects for commercial properties may require larger teams to get the job done. 

Voila! You should have your system up and running after this. 

Burglar alarm system FAQs

A burglar alarm system can be a lot to take in. That’s why this section is for the most frequently asked questions! If your questions are still not answered here feel free to reach out to an employee at Circle Security Solutions.

What other benefits from insurance can I get?

Lowering the costs of your monthly payment certainly can save a lot of money. But it doesn’t hurt to ask for more. Sometimes you can find product discounts or possibly even have the insurance company pay for the installation fees. They want you to have the system almost as much as you do so be sure to see what they can do for you!

Do I need a combination burglar alarm system?

You don’t want to run the risk of the power going out if you have a hard-wired burglar alarm system. Having these systems today usually means that there is backup thought of. That means they may kick into their cloud network and run on batteries until the power does come back on. The same can be said for the opposite effect with a lagging internet. 

Do I need to notify my employees of a burglar alarm system?

Employees do need to be notified if there are surveillance cameras in the workplace because they need to fill out a consent form. As an employer, you should also know that you need to ensure that cameras are not being placed in private areas like the bathroom. This is a part of a burglar alarm system and likely your security provider will know this so you don’t have to worry about it. 

Choosing the right team so that you get the burglar alarm system your property needs and deserves is important That’s why at Circle Security Solutions we not only have the best products at the most affordable prices but we have the best team ready to support your needs! From installation to monitoring we offer it all so don’t hesitate to call us! 

Home Alone Again?

Home Alone is always a good way to laugh and think about a burglar alarm system. Having said that you don’t need to worry about any manmade traps. Burglar alarm systems today are strong, safe, and reliable systems that can keep you and your loved ones safe. For business purposes, they can also keep your property and clients safe as well.

Remember even just having a sign can deter criminals by 300#. It’s also a great way to aid the police in capturing the criminal and getting a quick response. But none of this works if you don’t have the right team putting in the right products! Make sure to call a trusted provider like Circle Security Solutions today!