There aren’t many things that are more important than having a security system that functions correctly when it comes to granting access to certain people in particular places. If you have a business that contains specific rooms that contain either confidential or valuable information/products that only specific employees should have access to, then you need a high-quality access control card, readers.
Sure having an old-fashioned security guard can be helpful but with technology these days there are so many benefits and options with access control card reader systems that you really can’t go wrong.
What is an Access Control Card Reader?

Simply put, an access control card reader is a security system that requires a tap or swipe of a credential card to verify the person entering the room/space is cleared. These are used in a lot of businesses because some employees at the base level may not have the same clearance and access to information as higher-ups.
As of recent due to safety standards increasing it is also quite a popular option for skyrise businesses and hotels. To take the level up to your floor, in many buildings they will scan your card through the access control system so that you and no one else without your access can enter the space.
Benefits of an Access Control Card Reader

In the summary above you can see that there are already great benefits. Security is certainly one of the better benefits but it is also not the only one. Businesses can update their safety protocols but also make things more convenient for themselves, their employees, and save on energy and money. Here’s how:
Safety and Security
As mentioned in many businesses certain employees won’t have the same access to information and places as members who are higher than them in rank. When it comes to larger corporations and there are multiple levels of security, it is important to have a system in place like this to not only protect the employer but also the employees.
If a business like a hotel or a skyrise has rented out rooms or floors to certain people, they need to make sure they are only granting access to that specific floor and not another business. That’s why these access control card readers can be particularly helpful in many scenarios.
Keys are easy to lose and hard to replace. Card readers are not. This can end up saving a company so much money and also make things much easier for employees as it is an efficient way for them to be where they need to be without searching for an old key.
It’s easily just as efficient for a boss because these access card control readers can grant access not only to different places but also at different times. You may have a scheduled meeting for someone at the same time of the week in a space you only want them to have access to during the meeting. These card readers make things so much easier to do that.
This is a great way for an employer to know who is coming and going without feeling like they are invading people’s privacy rights. While security cameras are normal, the access control card readers help because if there were to be some sort of crime, you can tell who signed into what room and when.
And can also give you some productivity information because it may grant employees access on hours when they may not normally be working. This provides a little more of a flexible schedule and often leads to productivity.
Less Opportunity For Data Breach
Limiting access to the services where all data, business information, and client information may be held is always something to consider with control access card readers. Allowing only your IT employers access to this room limits your chances of a data breach significantly.
Deters Unwanted Visitors
Even if someone who is not allowed access considers going through with trying to break in, seeing an authentication pad is enough to stop them in their tracks. This is because it is commonly known that a lot of these access control card readers are paired with other smart technology and they could trip a wire that leads to an alarm or a camera.
Comply With Industry Standards On Security
Many businesses and organizations are subject to compliance with HIPAA and must keep their client’s and employees’ information safe from the public. Having these help comply with industry regulations that are required by the government to do so!
Types Of Access Control Card Readers

While all access control card readers perform the same task of letting those in who need to be and keeping those out who need to be, they have different types that offer different functions! There are three main categories of access control readers and within them are different types.
Role-Based Access Control
This is a very standard system that grants access to the same areas of people who have the same or similar roles. For instance, it would allow nurses who work on a certain floor to be granted access to that area they work in while at the same time keep visitors or any unauthorized personnel from entering.
Discretionary Access Control
Instead of it being based on your job and the code that is given to you based on your role, this will focus on an entry list to each room. For instance, that specific access control card reader will have a list of specific people that the business owner will have full discretion over.
Mandatory Access Control
This is the most restrictive option for access control card reader systems. The mandatory access control system is typically reserved for larger corporations. This is most commonly seen in tech companies where the head of security will determine passwords to grant access along will access control card readers.
Different Authentication Styles
Within any of these access types, a business can choose the level and style of authentication within them. The options are usually the following.
- Key Card Readers
- Keypad Readers
- Two-Step Authentication
- Fingerprint
Which Type Of Access Control Card Reader Is Best?
In short, it is solely going to be the preferences and needs of the company that is going to determine which option is best for them. It is very common for companies to use multiple types between the three main categories, This is because certain areas of the company may require role access while others may be discretionary.
Let’s talk about a few good fits for different situations.
Role-Based Access Control
Role-based access control pairs great with key card readers because you can design a key that would allow someone’s job description to let them into their work area. If you work in a highly confidential area you may have the roles that are higher-up face two-factor authentication that may involve key access and a security question or password.
Discretionary Access Control
This category can fit in any of the four mentioned styles. You may feel comfortable just using card readers or you may care to have specific access pins. The more security you want the more likely you will use two-factor authentication or even fingerprint ID at the highest levels.
Mandatory Access Control
This sort of control is most often used with pins and punch pads. This is because it applies a standard level of security across the board and is usually up to the head of the security department. It’s a no exception rule which means the tightest and strictest security is enforced. Two-factor authentication and fingerprint can be added to these circumstances.
Access Control Card Readers FAQs
While it is a great feature for any business to have, it is also really a must. Even with the information provided on what types of access control card readers are offered, there are still some common questions that come up regarding these systems. Here is what usually gets asked.
What Happens With Lost And Stolen Cards?
Unlike keys, replacing a lost or stolen card is a lot easier than replacing a lost or stolen key. With a lost key, the locks may need to change but with a card, it’s much more simple. The business owner just has to disable the card and replace the old one with a new one. This is why these systems are so great. They save time and money and are much more convenient and safe to use.
Dependent on your own business, they may charge a fee for a new card if you are constantly losing them or putting your company at risk.
Do The Access Control Systems Work With Smart Technology?
Most access control card readers work directly with any of the security systems you have set up. For instance, if someone is continually trying to grant access to a place they can’t, after some time they may set off an alarm or the very least cameras. In general, cameras may be activated every time someone enters a high-security clearance area.
These are all things that you can work out with Circle Security Systems upon installation. Security systems can be customized and tailored to the business’s needs. Often this is the case because as a business develops their levels of security may need updating.
What Happens With Power Outages?
Since the system is based on electronics, you may be wondering what happens when the power goes out. You won’t be locked in or out of rooms. Most access control card readers have a backup battery that runs even when this happens. While these batteries likely last a while, you may need to call the same company who installed them, to replace the batteries from time to time to ensure they are working properly.
Some companies work with solar paneling to charge them rather than work with battery backups and electricity issues.
Circle Security Solutions Product Showcase
Thanks to Circle Security Solutions you no longer have to worry about having an unsecured business. Making sure that the right people are in the right places at the right time is crucial to productivity and keeping the company safe! That’s why you need professionals with tons of experience to install your security systems whether it be access control card reader systems or business burglary alarms.
You need to have all the right equipment while also leaving the nitty-gritty up to the experts. This process should reduce stress from businesses not add it. That’s why you should call Circle Security Solutions today!
Most businesses always think, “no that won’t happen to us” when it comes to data breaches, theft, and any other related security issues. But all it takes is one bad incident and it can put a company into serious damage, and sometimes out of business. This can all be avoided when you consider using safe security systems like access control card readers. This is perfect for any business that is looking to find an easy way to grant employees access to specific areas of the workspace during specific times.
Safety and security aren’t the only benefits as this can be a huge savings cost for companies as well. Old traditional keys get lost and hiring security to physically make a barrier can be costly. Having a system in place cuts those costs and implements a new standard of convenience. Aside from convenience, it’s also great to know who’s coming and going from both a security aspect and a productivity standpoint.
Different companies are going to have different needs which is why getting a free quote and having a consultation with Circle Security Systems is a great step in securing your business and lowering your stress.